Benefits of Licorice Root for Throat
Licorice is a documented home remedy for sore throat all over world. A small piece of raw licorice should be chewed for treating sore throat. The healing property of the herb soothes inflammation rapidly. It also helps in weight control treatments since licorice helps to maintain stomach acid levels.
Drinking warm water with cayenne is also effective in the cure of sore throat. Cayenne has a chemical compound called capsaicin that temporarily relieves pain. It accomplishes this by resisting substance. Thus, the discomfort of sore throat is diluted when coming in contact with the Cayenne-and quickly to boot.
Baking soda is one of the best home remedy for sore throat. It has some unique qualities like
It has slightly alkaline PH which will soothe minor skin irritations such as bug bites and rashes. Baking soda also contains anti-bacterial properties for these reasons it will kill the nasty bacteria in your throat.
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) is perhaps right up there with garlic, but some people swear by it. Its high levels of acidity can kill bacteria quite effectively and when it mixed with honey, it can soothe the soreness in the throat.
Cozy Chamomile Tea is also a natural remedy for sore throats. Its components kill the bacteria while it works as a natural painkiller. It also has anti-spasmodic properties which can help you rest. Hence it is very useful in sore throat.
Sage is also very efficient in this disease. It has anti-inflammatory property due to which it set the nasty sore throat.
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